Friday, December 01, 2006

Random thoughts on this first morning in December

1. I need to get over the issue I have with people using umbrellas when it's snowing. In my world, umbrella=rain. My umbrella does not say "Merde il neige" it says "Merde il pleut". Why must I get over this issue? because frankly the weird giant wet snowflakes (woohoo! it's December!) that gracefully floated in the Ottawa sky this morning, were really wet, and frankly made my mascara run, and I'm not sure if this is before or after had brief "hello's" with two people this morning. So yes, I should have used my umbrella that I did have with me since it's supposed to freeze-rain today, but frankly I would have been slightly embarassed by the aforementioned wording on my bright yellow umbrella. (for those who haven't seen my umbrella, it really does say "merde il pleut" on it - i.e. shit it's raining).

2. Some people impulively shop to feel better (which I do), others impulsively eat (oh wait, I do that too), I on the other hand impulsively change my hair. Yep... it's different. AGAIN. Trouble is, I'm not used to it yet, I mean really it's only been 13 hours since the change, but I slept for about 6 of those...

3. People need to be careful of catchphrases they use. (This one seems extra random, but some of you may understand what I'm referring to).

4. It's December! How crazy is that? Anybody else love the fact that our (i.e. Ottawa's) first snowfall of the year waited until December 1st?

5. There are 26 days until my 27th birthday (that's right.... 27 on the 27th!)

6. Oh yeah, and 24 days til' Christmas

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