Yesterday (Saturday) morning was the first pool-paddling session i could make with my new Dragon Boat team. Yes, it's sad to say that my beloved team of two years, the Bytown Paddlers, is now defunct. Bytown and the paddle Demons are arguably Ottawa's two top teams. We have enjoyed an extremely amicable (read: we get drunk together) relationship while maintaining our competitiveness on the water. For the last two years, we've been very closely matched on the water. Fort he 2007 paddling season, the Bytown team has lost a number of significant paddlers for a variety of reasons. This year, seemed to make for the smooth merger of the two teams which had been in talks over the last couple of seasons.
The Paddle Demons have been doing pool sessions for a few weeks now but I had to miss them due to the trip to Toronto and subsequent ankle issue. Frankly ankle or not, I was getting my paddlin' arse tot he pool for practice yesterday (even though it was at 8:30 am). Paddle and sandals in tow... off I went. Oh dear God how I missed it. I love paddling. I love love love love love love love it. Uh did I mention how much I love it? I'm all of a sudden realizing that while my summer months revolves around this fantabulous sport, some of you dear faithful readers may really be thinking I've lost my mind, not having ever been introduced to this phenomenon. Well Dragon Boating is awesome. 22 people in a big-arse canoe, paddling with such force that our boats (the good ones that is) can go 500 meters in 2 minutes. it's awesome.
Below: this is me "calling" or drumming (hence the drum) at the team at the 2006 Ottawa fest. The caller is the strategist of the race... yelling at the team when she wants needs more power, ensuring always that they are in sync with one another. Rhythm is key
Below: here's the best pic ever taken. One of our team-mates took this shot from a bridge as we were going under it at the Toronto GWN festival in September 2006.
This year, with my new team we'll be doing 5 festivals in Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto- be sure to check it out... and for my faithful readers back home- go check out the Windsor festival (not that I've been) but I'm sure it's a great time (i.e. all festivals have a beer tent)!!!!!
Can't wait to get back on the actual water (and not in the pool) in May!!!