Sara tagged me so i best do it, or she'll disown me as a fellow blogger and friend (ok probably not, but she still kinda scares me)
The Rules: (I have to post these rules before I can give you the facts, as indicated in the rules below.)
1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Here goes:
ONE: I talk to my mom everyday. I'm 27.5 yrs old and I still call mom everyday*- I mean heck if I still lived at home I'd see her everyday, so why should it be any different just cuz I'm 8 hours away. Most of the time it's "hi, how was your day, ok not much else, talk to you tomorrow. love you, bye." but hey its important to tell your mom you love her don't ya think? (* plus emails)
TWO: If I'm bored, I'll sleep. I think it's my favourite pass-time. I love the comfort of my duvet.
THREE: I have two tattoos- which kinda makes me feel like a bad-ass. I don't know why but it does. Thing is- I sometimes forget I have them. Both are on my back, so unless I'm checking out my arse in a mirror in a dressing room that's generallyt he only time I see them. I'll be getting a third this summer (mom if you're reading this- deal with it). I've always wanted another one, just never knew what. Now I do...I just have to go and get'er done. BUT - I still have to figure out where (on my body #3 is going)... right- this one will be a dragon fly with the body being a dragon boat paddle... pretty neat eh? (any suggestions as to where I should put it would be appreciated)
FOUR: I love the water. I love being on the water, being surrounded by the water and living near the water- which i've been able to do my whole life. Luckily, Dragon Boating allows me to be in the water at least twice a year, and Nic loves the water too and the fact that he is a boater helps out in that regard too!
FIVE: I'm obsessed with just about anything having to do with Paris- movies, decorations, pictures, you name it, I love it.
SIX: I have a fear of growing up.
SEVEN: My favourite birthday cake to have is a Pumpkin Pie. This comes from 1) loving the taste of it which I think came from 2) the fact that when you have a birthday at christmas time, you're SOL when it comes to birthday cakes at the local small-town grocery store- yet they still have plenty of pumpkin (or pecan YUK) pies left.
EIGHT: Toasted tomato sandwhich, corn on the cob and mom's potato salad is my alltime favourite meal.
Photos are now online!!
14 years ago