Wednesday, November 05, 2008

In one year...

I've tried
I've cried
I've cheered
I've succeeded
I've learned
I've grown

It's been a year. Can you believe it?

One year ago I moved from Ottawa to the urban jungle aka Mississauga. At work today, I thanked my colleagues and my boss for this past year. I thought about how crazy quick it's felt like, but also thought about how it feels like I've worked with this team for ages.

Do I still have a lot to learn? Hells yeah, but that's the point of working isn't it? Well that and bringing home the bacon. But seriously. When you don't feel growth, either personal or professional, you need to look for not only the reasons why, but how you can create an environment where opportunities can flourish.

Thanks to everyone who's supported me over these last twelve months. I appreciate the words of encouragement, the smiles of support and your hugs of love that have been a part of my journey.

Here's to another great year.

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