Monday, December 08, 2008

Mitten Karma

It's that time of year folks... the hustle and bustle of walking through crowded malls, and packed into busy public transportation. Tis' the season of bundling up outside and needing to peel the layers off once you set foot through the door.

To ensure you get on Santa's good list, don't forget to take in the spirit of the season and be extra nice and holding doors open for people, let those carrying many packages the option of the only seat left on the bus, and when you see someone has dropped a mitten or toque, pick it up and let them know!

I was on the train yesterday coming back to Mississauga from Gananoque, and while getting off the train I noticed the gal who sat next to me left a mitten behind. I picked it up and let her know she had left it behind. Her soon to be cold hands were appreciative.

When i went onto the Go train, the conductor asked if someone had dropped a glove. i turn around, and sure enough it was mine. Not 1 hour after I had done the same for another.

If you can't be nice out of the goodness of your heart, or the fear of being on the wrong side of Santa's list, then surely do it for the good mitten karma that would be coming your way.

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