Tuesday, March 10, 2009


1. Jen and Mike had their baby boy Cole Marshall on 03/06/09 (yep, 3-6-9 pretty neat eh?). I heart him. He's so cute. It's so weird that Jen is a mommy now. Jen and I got tattoos together and now she's a mom. w.e.i.r.d.

2. I went home this weekend to meet Cole and got to spend some time with my mini-me Bailey. We decided that we will spend a weekend together this summer just the two of us. I'm making my mom and/or sister drive her to London where I'll pick her up and spoil her for a weekend.

3. U2 is going on tour. They will be in Toronto on Sept. 16. I will be there, come hell or high water. I heart Bono.

4. It's no real secret that I have a crush on my hair stylist. I often say I'm in hair love. I realize that I also previously had a crush on my physio therapist. Both were Colombian and have Spanish accents. There's a guy on American Idol who's name is Jorge (coincidentally the same name as my hair love- and yes you have to say it with a Spanish accent every time). Ryan Seacrest just announced that he was signing next and now that I see him, I realize that he kinda looks like my Jorge. Yes I said "my" Jorge. Don't worry, Nao'r is well aware. He had a crush on his personal trainer. It's ok.

4.5 I need to go get a hair cut ;)

5. I have a crush on my orthodontist. He looks like Richard Gere and calls me Bex. I heart him.

6. I'm looking forward to the summer. We're changing marina's and the boat will now be downtown Gananoque- an 8 minute walk from Nao'r's house. This is excellent.

6.5 I wish there were more job opportunities in Kingston. Nao'r can pay the mortgage, I can buy us a boat. We'd be happy floating around on the St. Lawrence. I HEART NAO'R

7. Have you heard of "kicking the cat"? NO NOT LITTERALY! I hadn't heard the expression before until only recently. It's pretty much summed up to taking your frustrations out on an innocent being. Well peeps. Don't kick the cat (literally or figuratively). It's not healthy.

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