Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Birthday Blog 1

You'll notice a number in the title. That's because I'm hoping that I have enough to blog about that I'll have more than one birthday blog.

Today is my birthday, and of course, in my previous
birthday blog I mentioned my slight obsession with it. So I figure I'd try to capture a few of my thoughts on my birthday. It is after all my 27th birthday on the 27th of December... big year ahead of me people BIG year! And I really do believe that. I seriously have been looking forward to this year for a long time... even back in my early teens- I just knew that the year I was 27 was going to be a big year for me... marriage, baby, other big life-altering event... starting the year being single however only poses a slight obstacle in that regard. There are nay-sayers of course who just think it's another year, but hey what can it hurt to have a little faith that my life is turning on an upswing... if nothing else, I simply have a more positive outlook on life.

Well it's 6:40 am. ok 6:44... It's not even officially my birthday as I was born at 7:07 (or so I've believed) - mom just recently told me she doesn't "think" I was quite at 7:07- my sister was at 8:08 and she just doesn't think it turned out as cute as that... ok mom, that's nice, so do you mind telling me when I was born- was I really born on December 27th. or do you just "think" that's when I came into the world (nevermind the fact that when I eventually found my baby album, oh I think I was 13) I noticed that at the front, it said "Rebecca Lynn Merrett- December 27th 1980". yep a whole frickin' year I thought I lost/gained whatever it would be (it is 6:45 am and I'm so far without coffee)... side-note, I'm slightly bitter about the baby album business because my brother has 2. Seriously. My dad wasn't there for his birth, so of course there are a million pictures of the krod 3 minutes apart. M.O.M 8:13 am., M.O.M 8:17 am. Yes Yes, babies grow up so fast... but come on!!! and another btw- bro's initials really do spell MOM and he's the baby of the family, the only boy, born on my maternal grandmother's birthday- he's worth a blog entry himself. I love him dearly. "Krod" is an affectionate term we call one another.

ok back to my birthday- I mean it is all about me after all isn't it. So mom was so excited to give me my present that she made me get up at 6am, because my sister and I had to both open our presents together (my sis' b-day is Dec. 31st, but we'll be in Ottawa then) . And sis has to work today, and she starts at 6:30, I had to wake up. Yeah that was hard. I mean really it's like Christmas morning. You love to sleep, you enjoy sleeping in, but that internal alarm clock wakes you up at some ungodly hour and you're full of excitement so you jump out of bed. Ok I didn't quite have that, I kinda crawled and slithered from my bed to my couch- but mom was excited to give us our gifts, so I humoured her. Hey at least the woman didn't take my picture... or did she... oh crap- again, I need coffee.

Ok so that's that for birthday blog entry number one.

Birthday girl- out!

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