Sunday, January 28, 2007

Winter rocks!

Your glasses fog up when you enter the building.
Your nose hairs (and other insides) freeze the second you step foot outside.
Your nose then drips like a faucet the second you open the door to step back inside.
You need sunglasses more than ever because of the snow, but retailers seem to forget this and replace the sunglasses section with scarves and hats (which are also needed obviously).
Windchill. Nuff' said.
It takes 7 extra minutes every morning to simply put a coat on (and accessories).
It takes an extra 3 minutes to warm up the car.
Slush is messy.
Salt stains your pant bottoms and your boots.
You can't park anywhere.
Wearing high heels when it's icy adds to my already abnormally high klutz factor, by quadrupling the chances of me falling while walking.
Taking the bus to work means that I need to bundle up for the fact that I'm outside in the cold for 5% of my commute time. The rest of the time, I'm on the bus, which is crowded with germy snotty people (see earlier note about nose dripping), or walking through the mall, and then standing in line for my first coffee of the day. During this remaining 95% of the time, I'm sweating profusely, and doubly so, once I enter the elevator in my work building to get to my desk. All the while, the nose is dripping, and the glasses are fogged.
You constantly have an excuse for taking bubble bath, having some hot chocolate, apple cider and/or wine, and snuggling up and napping.
Winter is here.
The world's largest outdoor skating rink (aka the canal) is finally open.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
I wouldn't change it for the world.
What do you love about winter?

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