Friday, February 09, 2007

People who make you smile

I'm really lucky. In the past 5 years and 11 months, I've been very lucky in terms of co-workers. I've developed some lasting friendships with my colleagues, and most of them have watched me grow from a mere naive student to a jaded PS employee. That being said, there certainly is something to be said for the kindness of the people who surround you 40 hours a week.

I've had a rough bit the last while, and they've been very supportive. From phone calls to see if I'm ok, to sending a cute email to make me smile.

I received this one today, and I think it's the cutest thing, and it made me laugh so I wanted to share it with you. Since it was able to put a smile on my face, I'm sure it will do the same for you.

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