Today sux.
I can't find my university ring, the ring I've worn every day since I graduated 3 years ago. I'm very upset over this. I'm sure it's somewhere at home. But it's not where it's supposed to be right now, on my finger. I feel naked and somehow vulnerable.
I left my debit card at home. Normally, not that big of deal, but I'm going out for drinks after work. I suppose I can use my credit card, but frankly I like having some cash on me.
Work is crazy.
I received sad news from a close friend of mine this morning. I'm very sad for them.
My darling niece is in the hospital today getting teeth pulled- poor thing. I wish I could be there to hug her.
I want to go home and curl up in my bed with my duvet and cry.
Photos are now online!!
14 years ago